E.Z.N.A.® M13 DNA Mini Kit


Isolate single-stranded DNA from up to 3 mL of phage supernatant using spin mini columns

The E.Z.N.A.® family of products is an innovative system that radically simplifies the extraction and purification of nucleic acids from a variety of sources. The key to this system is Omega Bio-tek’s HiBind® matrix that specifically, but reversibly, binds DNA or RNA under optimal conditions while allowing proteins and other contaminants to be removed. The nucleic acids bound to the HiBind® matrix are easily eluted with deionized water or low salt buffer. DNA and RNA are suitable for many downstream applications.

Omega Bio-tek’s E.Z.N.A.® M13 DNA Kits are designed to purify up to 10 µg of single stranded DNA from up to 3 mL of phage supernatant. Yields of single stranded DNA obtained using E.Z.N.A.® M13 DNA Kits are around 3-10 µg and reproducible when the isolations are performed from the same culture.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Downstream ApplicationSingle-stranded M13 DNA
Starting material3 mL phage supernatant
Plasmid typeSingle-stranded M13 DNA
Processing modeManual, centrifugation
Throughput1 – 24
DNA binding technologySilica Mini Spin Column
Lysate clearance methodNot needed
Yield 3-10 µg single-stranded DNA

Figure 1.  DNA purified using the E.Z.N.A.® M13 DNA Kit. DNA was isolated from 4 1 mL M13 supernatant cultures grown 6 hours in E. coli culture using the E.Z.N.A.® M13 DNA Kit and eluted in 50 µL TE buffer. M13 ssDNA (5% of total purified DNA) was analyzed on a 1.0% agarose gel. Lanes 1-4: M13 ssDNA, M: 1 kb DNA formaldehyde agarose gel..

Product Information

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Protocol ManualEnglish

Safety Data Sheets

ComponentsHazard StandardsLanguagesLinkhf:tax:dlp_document_languagehf:tax:dlp_document_hazard-standard
Elution BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
Elution BufferREACHGreekgreekreach
Elution BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
Elution BufferREACHPortugueseportuguesereach
Elution BufferREACHHungarianhungarianreach
Elution BufferREACHDutchdutchreach
Elution BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
Elution BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
Elution BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
Elution BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
Elution BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
Elution BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
Elution BufferREACHGermangermanreach
Elution BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
Elution BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
Elution BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
Elution BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
MPG BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
MPG BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
MPG BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
MPG BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
MPG BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
MPG BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
MPG BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
MPG BufferREACHGermangermanreach
MPG BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
MPG BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
MPG BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
MPG BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
MPG BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
MPX BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
MPX BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
MPX BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
MPX BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
MPX BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
MPX BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
MPX BufferREACHGermangermanreach
MPX BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
MPX BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
MPX BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
MPX BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
MPX BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
MPX BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
SPW BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
SPW BufferREACHGreekgreekreach
SPW BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
SPW BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
SPW BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
SPW BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
SPW BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
SPW BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
SPW BufferREACHPortugueseportuguesereach
SPW BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
SPW BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
SPW BufferREACHHungarianhungarianreach
SPW BufferREACHGermangermanreach
SPW BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
SPW BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
SPW BufferREACHDutchdutchreach
SPW BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
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