Application Notes
Product Number | Sample | Automation | Title | Link | hf:doc_tags | hf:tax:dlp_document_sample-type | hf:tax:dlp_document_automation-platform |
M6955 | FFPE | none | Comparison Analysis of Yield, Quality and Next Generation Sequencing from FFPE Samples Using Three Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kits | m6955 | ffpe | manual | |
D4616 | Food | none | Reliable Isolation of DNA from Complex Food Matrices Using Omega Bio-tek’s E.Z.N.A.® Food DNA Kit | d4616 | food | manual | |
D2411 | Plant | none | Rapid, High Performance and Cost-Effective Plant DNA Extractions | d2411 | plant | manual | |
D5625 | Soil | none | Superior Performance of Omega Bio-tek’s E.Z.N.A.® Soil DNA Kit | d5625 | soil | manual | |
M1130 | Plant | Hamilton Robotics | Automated, High Throughput SNP Genotyping of Zea mays | m1130 | plant | hamilton-robotics | |
M1378 | DNA Clean-up | Tecan | Automated DNA Cleanup for PCR and NGS Workflows: Mag-Bind® TotalPure NGS on Tecan Fluent® 780 Workstation | m1378 | dna-clean-up | tecan | |
M1378 | RNA Clean-up | none | In vitro Transcribed RNA Cleanup with Mag-Bind® TotalPure NGS | m1378 | rna-clean-up | manual | |
M1386 | DNA Clean-up, Stool | Hamilton Robotics | Optimized Magnetic Bead-Based DNA Clean Up with Low Elution Volumes on the Hamilton Microlab® STAR® | m1386 | dna-clean-up stool | hamilton-robotics | |
M3298 | cfDNA, Serum | none | Extraction & Quality Analysis of Circulating, Cell-Free DNA from Serum Samples Using Omega Bio-tek Kits | m3298 | cfdna serum | manual | |
M4016 | Stool | Thermo Fisher Scientific | High Throughput Solution for DNA Extraction from Stool Samples Using Magnetic Beads | m4016 | stool | thermo-fisher-scientific | |
M4029 | Stool | MagXtract | MagXtract® 3200 Application Showcase: Automated extraction of bacterial DNA from stool samples using Omega Bio-Tek’s Mag-Bind® Universal Pathogen 96 Kit | m4029 | stool | magxtract | |
M4029 | Viral | MagXtract | MagXtract® 3200 Application Showcase: Automated viral RNA extraction and PCR setup using Omega Bio-tek’s Mag-Bind® Universal Pathogen 96 Kit | m4029 | viral | magxtract | |
M6399 | Swabs | Hamilton Robotics, Qiagen | Complete High Throughput Pharmacogenomics Workflow: From Sample to Results | m6399 | swab | hamilton-robotics qiagen | |
M6399 | Swabs | Hamilton Robotics | Comprehensive, High Throughput Workflow for Automated gDNA Isolation from iSWAB Oral Samples | m6399 | swab | hamilton-robotics | |
M6399 | Whole Blood | Hamilton Robotics | DNA Extraction from Whole Blood on Hamilton’s Microlab® STAR® | m6399 | whole-blood | hamilton-robotics | |
M6399 | Swabs | Hamilton Robotics, Qiagen | High Throughput Workflows for DNA Extractions from Oral Samples | m6399 | swab | hamilton-robotics qiagen | |
M6399 | Swabs | Hamilton Robotics | A Simple, User-Friendly, High Throughput DNA Extraction Workflow Using 2-D Barcoded Buccal Swabs on Hamilton’s Firefly NIMBUS® 96 | m6399 | swab | hamilton-robotics | |
R6812 | Cultured Cells, Tissue | none | A Performance Comparision Study: Omega Bio-tek’s E.Z.N.A.® HP Total RNA Kit (R6812) vs. Qiagen’s RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (74134) | r6812 | cultured-cells tissue | manual | |
R6834 | RNA | none | Room Temperature Storage & Shipping of Purified RNA | r6834 | rna | manual | |
M1130 | Plant | Qiagen | Rapid, High Performance and Cost-Effective Plant DNA Extractions | m1130 | plant | qiagen | |
M6399 | Whole Blood | Tecan | High Throughput, Automated DNA Extraction Solution from Whole Blood Samples Using Omega Bio-tek’s Reagents on Tecan Fluent 780 Workstation | m6399 | whole-blood | tecan | |
M6399 | Saliva | Hamilton Robotics | Fully automated DNA extraction solution from Omega Bio-tek using saliva stabilized in Biomatrica’s Salivagard HT DNA collection tubes | m6399 | saliva | hamilton-robotics | |
M5645 | Environmental, Soil, Water | none | Magnetic bead-based solution for DNA extraction from environmental samples using Mag-Bind® Environmental DNA 96 Kit from Omega Bio-tek | m5645 | environmental soil water | manual | |
M3298 | cfDNA | none | Strategies for retrieving cfDNA of short fragment lengths using Mag-Bind® cfDNA Kit from Omega Bio-tek | m3298 | cfdna | manual | |
M1378 | DNA Clean-up | none | Evaluation of Omega Bio-tek Mag-Bind TotalPure NGS Beads | m1378 | dna-clean-up | manual | |
M6399PF | Swabs | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Automated DNA Extraction Workflow Using Rhinostics’ HIPPOstic Swabs and Omega Bio-tek’s Mag-Bind® Blood & Tissue DNA HDQ Prefilled 96 Kit | m6399pf | swab | thermo-fisher-scientific | |
B6399 | Saliva, Whole Blood | Omega Biotek MagBinder Fit24 | Streamlined DNA Extraction from Whole Blood and Saliva on Omega Bio-tek’s MagBinder Fit24 Automation Platform | b6399 | saliva whole-blood | omega-biotek-magbinder-fit24 | |
B3298 | cfDNA, Plasma | Omega Biotek MagBinder Fit24 | cfDNA Extraction Simplified: An Automated Workflow on Omega Bio-tek’s MagBinder Fit24 Platform | b3298 | cfdna plasma | omega-biotek-magbinder-fit24 | |
M3298 | cfDNA, Plasma | Hamilton Robotics | Automated cfDNA Purification from up to Ninety-six, 4 mL Plasma Samples Using the Mag-Bind® NAP STAR | m3298 | cfdna plasma | hamilton-robotics | |
M6399 | Whole Blood | Tecan | Streamlined Automated Genomic DNA Extraction from Whole Blood Samples – Automated genomic DNA extraction on the DreamPrep® NAP Workstation using Omega Bio-tek’s Mag-Bind® Blood & Tissue DNA HDQ 96 kit. | m6399 | whole-blood | tecan | |
M6219 | Swabs, Viral | Tecan | Efficiently automating High-throughput Viral RNA Purification | m6219 | swab viral | tecan | |
B3298, M3298 | Plasma | Omega Biotek MagBinder Fit24 | Using ddPCR to Detect Rare Variant Alleles in cfDNA Samples on the MagBinder Fit24 Platform | b3298 m3298 | plasma | omega-biotek-magbinder-fit24 | |
M3292 | Whole Blood | Omega Biotek MagBinder Fit24 | Automated DNA Purification Solution from 2 mL Whole Blood Using Omega Bio-tek’s Reagents on the MagBinder® Fit24 Platform | m3292 | whole-blood | omega-biotek-magbinder-fit24 | |
B3298, B3298CEIVD | Plasma, Whole Blood | Omega Biotek MagBinder Fit24 | cfDNA Purification from Different Blood Collection Tubes: A Compatibility Study of Omega Bio-tek’s Extraction Chemistry on the MagBinder® Fit24 Platform | b3298 b3298ceivd | plasma whole-blood | omega-biotek-magbinder-fit24 |