E.Z.N.A.® SP Plant DNA Kit


  • Rapid – Homogenizer Columns allow for faster processing
  • Reproducible – Standardized method for reliable results from a variety of samples
  • Safe – No organic extractions
  • High-quality – Purified DNA suitable for most applications

The E.Z.N.A.® SP Plant DNA Kit is specially designed for the rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality total cellular DNA from a variety of plant species and tissues. Up to 100 mg of fresh sample or 30 mg of dry sample can be processed in less than 40 minutes. The optimized procedure incorporates the homogenizer spin column, a unique filter filtration and homogenization column that can efficiently remove cell debris and improve the sample handling following the sample lysis. Purified DNA is suitable for most downstream applications to include PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and hybridization techniques.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Starting AmountUp to 50 mg wet tissue
Starting MaterialFresh, frozen, or dried plant tissue samples rich in polysaccharides, polyphenols, or those having a lower DNA content
Elution Volume50-100 μL
TechnologyHiBind® DNA Mini Column
Processing ModeManual
NoteSDS lysis,with a homogenizer column
HiBind® DNA Mini ColumnsView Product
2 mL Collection TubesView Product
Homogenizer Mini ColumnsView Product
SP1 BufferView Product
SP2 BufferView Product
SP3 BufferView Product
SPW BufferView Product
RNase AView Product
Elution BufferView Product

Successful PCR

Figure 1. DNA was isolated from 100 mg peanut leaf using Omega Bio-tke’s SP Plant DNA Kit. A serial dilution of recovered DNA was then used in SYBR® Green real-time PCR targeting a 91 bp fragment of the Alah1 gene. Each reaction was performed in triplicate. The lines represent input DNA amounts of 30, 3, 0.3, and 0.03 ng of DNA.

Yield Comparison

Figure 2. Average yields obtained from 100 mg of fresh leaf tissue from various plant samples.

Product Information

Quick GuideProduct ManualEnglish
Protocol ManualProduct ManualEnglish

Safety Data Sheets

ComponentsHazard StandardsLanguagesLinkhf:tax:dlp_document_languagehf:tax:dlp_document_hazard-standard
Elution BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
Elution BufferREACHGreekgreekreach
Elution BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
Elution BufferREACHPortugueseportuguesereach
Elution BufferREACHHungarianhungarianreach
Elution BufferREACHDutchdutchreach
Elution BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
Elution BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
Elution BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
Elution BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
Elution BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
Elution BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
Elution BufferREACHGermangermanreach
Elution BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
Elution BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
Elution BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
Elution BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
RNase AREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
RNase AWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
RNase AWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
RNase AREACHSwedishswedishreach
RNase AREACHSpanishspanishreach
RNase AREACHItalianitalianreach
RNase AREACHGermangermanreach
RNase AREACHFrenchfrenchreach
RNase AREACHFinnishfinnishreach
RNase AREACHDanishdanishreach
RNase AREACHEnglishenglishreach
RNase AGHSEnglishenglishghs
RNase AGHSSpanishspanishghs
SP1 BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
SP1 BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
SP1 BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
SP1 BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
SP1 BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
SP1 BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
SP1 BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
SP1 BufferREACHGermangermanreach
SP1 BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
SP1 BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
SP1 BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
SP1 BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
SP1 BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
SP2 BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
SP2 BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
SP2 BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
SP2 BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
SP2 BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
SP2 BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
SP2 BufferREACHGermangermanreach
SP2 BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
SP2 BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
SP2 BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
SP2 BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
SP2 BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
SP2 BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
SP3 BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
SP3 BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
SP3 BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
SP3 BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
SP3 BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
SP3 BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
SP3 BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
SP3 BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
SP3 BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
SP3 BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
SP3 BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
SP3 BufferREACHGermangermanreach
SP3 BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
SPW BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
SPW BufferREACHGreekgreekreach
SPW BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
SPW BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
SPW BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
SPW BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
SPW BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
SPW BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
SPW BufferREACHPortugueseportuguesereach
SPW BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
SPW BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
SPW BufferREACHHungarianhungarianreach
SPW BufferREACHGermangermanreach
SPW BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
SPW BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
SPW BufferREACHDutchdutchreach
SPW BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
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