E.Z.N.A.® MicroElute® RNA Clean Up Kit


  • Recovery of RNA from enzymatic reactions in 15 minutes
  • No organic extractions
  • Clean up RNA isolated by others methods (e.g. crude preps from organic extraction methods)
  • Concentrates small amounts of RNA to 10-15 µL

The E.Z.N.A.® MicroElute® RNA Clean Up Kit is designed to purify and concentrate RNA (from 50 µg down to picogram amounts) from enzymatic reactions or for desalting RNA samples (e.g. following the phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation). The procedure uses lower elution volumes, making it well suited for applications requiring highly concentrated RNA samples.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Downstream applicationCloning, In Vitro Transcription, Nucleic Acid Labeling, PCR, Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Sequencing, Southern Blotting
Elution volume10-15 µL
Starting materialEnzymatic reaction
Starting amountUp to 10 µg RNA
DNA recovered>90% recovery, RNA > 200 bases
Processing modeManual, centrifugation
DNA binding technologySilica MicroElute spin column
Binding capacity10 μg
Processing time<15 mintues
Special noteLow elution volume, suitable for RNA desalting too
MicroElute LE RNA Mini ColumnsView Product
2 mL Collection TubesView Product
QVL Lysis BufferView Product
RNA Wash Buffer IIView Product
DEPC Water 

Figure 1.  Total RNA purified using the MicroElute® RNA Clean Up Kit. Total RNA was purified from 15 µL RNA original solution and eluted in 15 µL elution buffer. Total RNA (2 µL) was analyzed on a 1% agarose gel. Lanes 1-4: after purification, C: before purification.

Product Manuals

Protocol Manual
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Safety Data Sheets

ComponentsHazard StandardsLanguagesLinkhf:tax:dlp_document_languagehf:tax:dlp_document_hazard-standard
Nuclease-free WaterGHSSpanishspanishghs
Nuclease-free WaterREACHGreekgreekreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHPortugueseportuguesereach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHHungarianhungarianreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHDutchdutchreach
Nuclease-free WaterWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
Nuclease-free WaterWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
Nuclease-free WaterREACHSwedishswedishreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHSpanishspanishreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHItalianitalianreach
Nuclease-free WaterGHSEnglishenglishghs
Nuclease-free WaterREACHEnglishenglishreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHDanishdanishreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHFrenchfrenchreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHGermangermanreach
Nuclease-free WaterREACHFinnishfinnishreach
QVL Lysis BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
QVL Lysis BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
QVL Lysis BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
QVL Lysis BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHGermangermanreach
QVL Lysis BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
QVL Lysis BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
QVL Lysis BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIGHSEnglishenglishghs
RNA Wash Buffer IIGHSSpanishspanishghs
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHEnglishenglishreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHDanishdanishreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHFinnishfinnishreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHFrenchfrenchreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHGermangermanreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHItalianitalianreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHSpanishspanishreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIREACHSwedishswedishreach
RNA Wash Buffer IIWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
RNA Wash Buffer IIWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
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