RNase-free DNase I Set


RNase-free DNase I Set

The E.Z.N.A.® RNase-Free DNase I Set is optimized for use with E.Z.N.A.® Total RNA protocols. Normally DNase I digestion is not required for RNA purified with HiBind® RNA Mini Columns as our silica-based spin column technology efficiently removes the majority of DNA without enzymatic digestion. However, certain sensitive RNA applications may require further DNA removal. Not available for online purchase. Contains DNase 1 Enzyme and DNase Digestion Buffer Concentration: 20 K unit/µL Storage/Stability: Store enzyme at -20°C. 

Safety Data Sheets

ComponentsHazard StandardsLanguagesLinkhf:tax:dlp_document_languagehf:tax:dlp_document_hazard-standard
DNase I Digestion BufferGHSEnglishenglishghs
DNase I Digestion BufferGHSSpanishspanishghs
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHEnglishenglishreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHDanishdanishreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHFinnishfinnishreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHFrenchfrenchreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHGermangermanreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHItalianitalianreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHNorwegiannorwegianreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHSpanishspanishreach
DNase I Digestion BufferREACHSwedishswedishreach
DNase I Digestion BufferWHMSEnglishenglishwhms
DNase I Digestion BufferWHMSFrenchfrenchwhms
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