Author name: Claire McClain

What is NGS?

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a cutting-edge technology used to sequence nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule. Unlike Sanger Sequencing, which can sequence only one DNA fragment at a time, NGS allows researchers to sequence multiple DNA fragments in parallel in a single run. This high-throughput approach revolutionizes our ability to decode complex genomes efficiently […]

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MagXtract® 3200 Application Showcase: Automated extraction of bacterial DNA from stool samples using Omega Bio-Tek’s Mag-Bind® Universal Pathogen 96 Kit

Victor Chen1, Kiranmai Durvasula2 1. Chroma ATE, Inc, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan 333001 2. Omega Bio-tek, Inc, Norcross GA 30071 Introduction Stool sample analysis offers a simple, non-invasive methodology for detection of multiple disease-causing microbes, biomarker detection of cancers of the digestive tract to analysis of gut microbiome and their impact on physiological health

MagXtract® 3200 Application Showcase: Automated extraction of bacterial DNA from stool samples using Omega Bio-Tek’s Mag-Bind® Universal Pathogen 96 Kit Read More »

High-Throughput, Fully Automated Cell-Free DNA Extraction from up to 10 mL Serum Samples

Authors: Chris Lee1, Jonatan Lysen1, Jeff Roeder1, Julie Baggs1, Kiranmai Durvasula1, Travis Butts1 Omega Bio-tek, Norcorss, GA 30071 Overview Purpose Development of a fully automated solution to extract cfDNA from up to 10 mL samples in 2.75 hours when integrated on Hamilton’s Microlab® STAR™ platform. Methods cfDNA extracted using automated protocol with Mag-Bind® cfDNA Kit

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Liquid vs. Solid Biopsy

Revolutionary advancements in medical technologies have armed physicians with state-of-the-art methods for detecting and monitoring cancer.  Two of these methods are liquid and solid biopsies which provide physicians and researchers with integral information about a patient’s condition.  What is a Solid Biopsy? Solid biopsies are the traditional method of analyzing tumors; this typically involves extracting samples of tissue from the tumor using a needle or

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Mag-Bind® Environmental DNA 96 Kit: High Quality Extractions from Inhibitor-rich Samples

The characterization of the metagenomics of an ecosystem is an integral part of environmental research and understanding the role microorganisms play within their ecosystem. However, isolating high-quality DNA to allow for this characterization can be a challenge when it is being extracted from samples rich in inhibitors, such as humic and fulvic acid. The Mag-Bind®

Mag-Bind® Environmental DNA 96 Kit: High Quality Extractions from Inhibitor-rich Samples Read More »

Mag-Bind® FFPE DNA Kit: The Ultimate Solution for Genomic DNA Purification from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Samples

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples are commonly used for preserving and storing biological samples, such as cancer tumor samples, for future analysis. However, the formalin fixation and paraffin embedding process can significantly impact the quality and yield of extracted DNA, making it challenging for downstream applications such as PCR and NGS. Omega Bio-tek developed the Mag-Bind® FFPE

Mag-Bind® FFPE DNA Kit: The Ultimate Solution for Genomic DNA Purification from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Samples Read More »

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